add null normal support in bme. fix rail cret draw()
This commit is contained in:
@ -50,9 +50,15 @@ class SharedRailSectionInputProperty():
@param force_monorail[in] Force this draw method for monorail if True, or for rail if False. Accept None if you want user to choose it.
# draw title
layout =
layout.label(text = 'Section')
if force_monorail is None:
# show picker to allow user pick
layout.prop(self, 'rail_type', expand = True)
# force it show horizontal
row = layout.row()
row.prop(self, 'rail_type', expand = True)
# show radius
layout.prop(self, "rail_radius")
# show span for rail
@ -92,6 +98,9 @@ class SharedRailCapInputProperty():
) # type: ignore
def draw_rail_cap_input(self, layout: bpy.types.UILayout) -> None:
# draw title
layout =
layout.label(text = 'Cap')
row = layout.row()
row.prop(self, "rail_start_cap", toggle = 1)
row.prop(self, "rail_end_cap", toggle = 1)
@ -116,6 +125,9 @@ class SharedStraightRailInputProperty():
) # type: ignore
def draw_straight_rail_input(self, layout: bpy.types.UILayout) -> None:
# draw title
layout =
layout.label(text = 'Straight Rail')
layout.prop(self, "rail_length")
def general_get_rail_length(self) -> float:
@ -162,6 +174,10 @@ class SharedScrewRailInputProperty():
) # type: ignore
def draw_screw_rail_input(self, layout: bpy.types.UILayout, show_for_screw: bool) -> None:
# draw title
layout =
layout.label(text = 'Screw Rail')
if show_for_screw:
# screw do not need angle property
layout.prop(self, "rail_screw_screw")
@ -374,6 +390,11 @@ def _rail_creator_wrapper(fct_poly_cret: typing.Callable[[bmesh.types.BMesh], No
mesh: bpy.types.Mesh ='Rail')
# setup smooth for mesh
mesh.use_auto_smooth = True
mesh.auto_smooth_angle = math.radians(50)
# create object and assoc with it
# create info first
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ _g_ProgFieldGlobals: dict[str, typing.Any] = {
# constant
'pi': math.pi,
'tau': math.tau,
# math functions
'sin': math.sin,
'cos': math.cos,
@ -100,15 +100,15 @@ _g_ProgFieldGlobals: dict[str, typing.Any] = {
'asin': math.asin,
'acos': math.acos,
'atan': math.atan,
'pow': math.pow,
'sqrt': math.sqrt,
'fabs': math.fabs,
'degrees': math.degrees,
'radians': math.radians,
# builtin functions
'abs': abs,
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ _g_ProgFieldGlobals: dict[str, typing.Any] = {
'float': float,
'str': str,
'bool': bool,
# my custom matrix functions
'move': lambda x, y, z: mathutils.Matrix.Translation((x, y, z)),
'rot': lambda x, y, z: mathutils.Matrix.LocRotScale(None, mathutils.Euler((math.radians(x), math.radians(y), math.radians(z)), 'XYZ'), None),
@ -144,22 +144,22 @@ def _eval_others(strl: str, params_vars_data: dict[str, typing.Any]) -> typing.A
class PrototypeShowcaseCfgDescriptor():
__mRawCfg: dict[str, str]
def __init__(self, raw_cfg: dict[str, str]):
self.__mRawCfg = raw_cfg
def get_field(self) -> str:
def get_field(self) -> str:
return self.__mRawCfg[TOKEN_SHOWCASE_CFGS_FIELD]
def get_type(self) -> PrototypeShowcaseCfgsTypes:
return PrototypeShowcaseCfgsTypes(self.__mRawCfg[TOKEN_SHOWCASE_CFGS_TYPE])
def get_title(self) -> str:
def get_title(self) -> str:
return self.__mRawCfg[TOKEN_SHOWCASE_CFGS_TITLE]
def get_desc(self) -> str:
def get_desc(self) -> str:
return self.__mRawCfg[TOKEN_SHOWCASE_CFGS_DESC]
def get_default(self) -> typing.Any:
return _eval_showcase_cfgs_default(self.__mRawCfg[TOKEN_SHOWCASE_CFGS_DEFAULT])
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ class EnumPropHelper(UTIL_functions.EnumPropHelper):
The BME specialized Blender EnumProperty helper.
def __init__(self):
# init parent class
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ class EnumPropHelper(UTIL_functions.EnumPropHelper):
lambda _: '',
lambda x: self.get_bme_showcase_icon(x)
def get_bme_identifiers(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
Get the identifier of prototype which need to be exposed to user.
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ class EnumPropHelper(UTIL_functions.EnumPropHelper):
proto: dict[str, typing.Any] = _get_prototype_by_identifier(ident)
# visit title field
def get_bme_showcase_icon(self, ident: str) -> int:
Get BME icon by prototype's identifier
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ class EnumPropHelper(UTIL_functions.EnumPropHelper):
cache: int | None = UTIL_icons_manager.get_bme_icon(icon_name)
if cache is None: return UTIL_icons_manager.get_empty_icon()
else: return cache
def get_bme_showcase_cfgs(self, ident: str) -> typing.Iterator[PrototypeShowcaseCfgDescriptor]:
# get prototype first
proto: dict[str, typing.Any] = _get_prototype_by_identifier(ident)
@ -224,15 +224,15 @@ class EnumPropHelper(UTIL_functions.EnumPropHelper):
def create_bme_struct_wrapper(ident: str, cfgs: dict[str, typing.Any]) -> bpy.types.Object:
# get prototype first
proto: dict[str, typing.Any] = _get_prototype_by_identifier(ident)
# analyse params by given cfgs
params: dict[str, typing.Any] = {}
for proto_param in proto[TOKEN_PARAMS]:
params[proto_param[TOKEN_PARAMS_FIELD]] = _eval_params(proto_param[TOKEN_PARAMS_DATA], cfgs)
# create used mesh
mesh: bpy.types.Mesh ='BMEStruct')
# create mesh writer and bme mtl helper
# recursively calling underlying creation function
with UTIL_blender_mesh.MeshWriter(mesh) as writer:
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ def create_bme_struct_wrapper(ident: str, cfgs: dict[str, typing.Any]) -> bpy.ty
# create object and assign prop
# get obj info first
obj_info: UTIL_naming_convension.BallanceObjectInfo
@ -264,23 +264,23 @@ def create_bme_struct_wrapper(ident: str, cfgs: dict[str, typing.Any]) -> bpy.ty
obj: bpy.types.Object =, mesh)
# assign virtools groups
UTIL_naming_convension.VirtoolsGroupConvention.set_to_object(obj, obj_info, None)
# return object
return obj
def create_bme_struct(
ident: str,
writer: UTIL_blender_mesh.MeshWriter,
ident: str,
writer: UTIL_blender_mesh.MeshWriter,
bmemtl: PROP_bme_material.BMEMaterialsHelper,
transform: mathutils.Matrix,
transform: mathutils.Matrix,
params: dict[str, typing.Any]) -> None:
# get prototype first
proto: dict[str, typing.Any] = _get_prototype_by_identifier(ident)
# check whether skip the whole struct before cal vars
if _eval_skip(proto[TOKEN_SKIP], params) == True:
# calc vars by given params
# please note i will add entries directly into params dict
# but the params dict will not used independently later,
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ def create_bme_struct(
# so it is safe.
for proto_var in proto[TOKEN_VARS]:
params[proto_var[TOKEN_VARS_FIELD]] = _eval_vars(proto_var[TOKEN_VARS_DATA], params)
# collect valid face and vertices data for following using.
# if NOT skip, add into valid list
valid_vec_idx: list[int] = []
@ -299,36 +299,65 @@ def create_bme_struct(
for face_idx, proto_face in enumerate(proto[TOKEN_FACES]):
if _eval_others(proto_face[TOKEN_FACES_SKIP], params) == False:
# create mtl slot remap to help following mesh adding
# because mesh writer do not accept string format mtl slot visiting,
# it only accept int based mtl slot index.
# Also we build face used mtl slot index at the same time.
# So we do not analyse texture field again when providing face data.
# The result is in `prebuild_face_mtl_idx` and please note it will store all face's mtl index.
# For example: if face 0 is skipped and face 1 is used, the first entry in `prebuild_face_mtl_idx`
# will be the mtl slot index used by face 0, not 1. And its length is equal to the face count.
# However, because face 0 is skipped, so the entry is not used and default set to 0.
# NOTE: since Python 3.6, the item of builtin dict is ordered by inserting order.
# we rely on this to implement following features
# we rely on this to implement following features.
mtl_remap: dict[str, int] = {}
prebuild_face_mtl_idx: list[int] = [0] * len(proto[TOKEN_FACES])
for face_idx in valid_face_idx:
# eval mtl name
mtl_name: str = _eval_others(proto[TOKEN_FACES][face_idx][TOKEN_FACES_TEXTURE], params)
# add into remap if not exist
# try insert into remap and record to face mtl idx
if mtl_name not in mtl_remap:
# record index
prebuild_face_mtl_idx[face_idx] = len(mtl_remap)
# add into remap if not exist
mtl_remap[mtl_name] = len(mtl_remap)
# if existing, no need to add into remap
# but we need get its index from remap
prebuild_face_mtl_idx[face_idx] = mtl_remap.get(mtl_name, 0)
# pre-compute vertices data because we may need used later.
# Because if face normal data is null, it mean that we need to compute it
# by given vertices.
# The computed vertices is stored in `prebuild_vec_data` and is NOT like `prebuild_face_mtl_idx`,
# we only store valid one in `prebuild_vec_data`.
prebuild_vec_data: list[UTIL_virtools_types.ConstVxVector3 | None] = []
cache_bv: mathutils.Vector = mathutils.Vector((0, 0, 0))
for vec_idx in valid_vec_idx:
# but it need mul with transform matrix
cache_bv.x, cache_bv.y, cache_bv.z = _eval_others(proto[TOKEN_VERTICES][vec_idx][TOKEN_VERTICES_DATA], params)
# mul with transform matrix
cache_bv = typing.cast(mathutils.Vector, transform @ cache_bv)
# get result
prebuild_vec_data.append((cache_bv.x, cache_bv.y, cache_bv.z))
# prepare mesh part data
mesh_part: UTIL_blender_mesh.MeshWriterIngredient = UTIL_blender_mesh.MeshWriterIngredient()
def vpos_iterator() -> typing.Iterator[UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector3]:
bv: mathutils.Vector = mathutils.Vector((0, 0, 0))
# simply get data from prebuild vec data
v: UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector3 = UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector3()
for vec_idx in valid_vec_idx:
# BME no need to convert co system
# but it need mul with transform matrix
bv.x, bv.y, bv.z = _eval_others(proto[TOKEN_VERTICES][vec_idx][TOKEN_VERTICES_DATA], params)
bv = transform @ bv
for vec_data in prebuild_vec_data:
# skip skipped vertices
if vec_data is None: continue
# yield result
v.x, v.y, v.z = bv.x, bv.y, bv.z
v.x, v.y, v.z = vec_data
yield v
mesh_part.mVertexPosition = vpos_iterator()
def vnml_iterator() -> typing.Iterator[UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector3]:
# calc normal used transform first
# prepare normal used transform first
# ref:
nml_transform: mathutils.Matrix = transform.inverted_safe().transposed()
# prepare vars
@ -336,15 +365,34 @@ def create_bme_struct(
v: UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector3 = UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector3()
for face_idx in valid_face_idx:
face_data: dict[str, typing.Any] = proto[TOKEN_FACES][face_idx]
for i in range(len(face_data[TOKEN_FACES_INDICES])):
# BME normals need transform by matrix first,
bv.x, bv.y, bv.z = _eval_others(face_data[TOKEN_FACES_NORMALS][i], params)
bv = nml_transform @ bv
# then normalize it
# yield result
face_nml_data: list[str] | None = face_data[TOKEN_FACES_NORMALS]
if face_nml_data is None:
# nml is null, we need compute by ourselves
# get first 3 entries in indices list as the compution ref
face_indices_data: list[int] = face_data[TOKEN_FACES_INDICES]
# compute it by getting vertices info from prebuild vertices data
# because the normals is computed from transformed vertices
# so no need to correct its by normal transform.
bv.x, bv.y, bv.z = _compute_normals(
typing.cast(UTIL_virtools_types.ConstVxVector3, prebuild_vec_data[face_indices_data[0]]),
typing.cast(UTIL_virtools_types.ConstVxVector3, prebuild_vec_data[face_indices_data[1]]),
typing.cast(UTIL_virtools_types.ConstVxVector3, prebuild_vec_data[face_indices_data[2]])
# yield result with N times (N = indices count)
v.x, v.y, v.z = bv.x, bv.y, bv.z
yield v
for _ in range(len(face_indices_data)):
yield v
# nml is given, analyse programable fields
for mtl_data in face_nml_data:
# BME normals need transform by matrix first,
bv.x, bv.y, bv.z = _eval_others(mtl_data, params)
bv = typing.cast(mathutils.Vector, nml_transform @ bv)
# then normalize it
# yield result
v.x, v.y, v.z = bv.x, bv.y, bv.z
yield v
mesh_part.mVertexNormal = vnml_iterator()
def vuv_iterator() -> typing.Iterator[UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector2]:
v: UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector2 = UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector2()
@ -364,17 +412,17 @@ def create_bme_struct(
f: UTIL_blender_mesh.FaceData = UTIL_blender_mesh.FaceData(
[UTIL_blender_mesh.FaceVertexData() for i in range(3)]
# create a internal counter to count how many indices has been processed
# this counter will be used to calc uv and normal index
# because these are based on face, not vertex position index.
face_counter: int = 0
# iterate valid face
for face_idx in valid_face_idx:
# get face data
face_data: dict[str, typing.Any] = proto[TOKEN_FACES][face_idx]
# calc indices count
face_indices: list[int] = face_data[TOKEN_FACES_INDICES]
indices_count: int = len(face_indices)
@ -383,7 +431,7 @@ def create_bme_struct(
while len(f.mIndices) < indices_count:
# fill the data
for i in range(indices_count):
# fill vertex position data by indices
@ -391,32 +439,31 @@ def create_bme_struct(
# fill nml and uv based on face index
f.mIndices[i].mNmlIdx = face_counter + i
f.mIndices[i].mUvIdx = face_counter + i
# add current face indices count to internal counter
face_counter += indices_count
# fill texture data
mtl_name: str = _eval_others(face_data[TOKEN_FACES_TEXTURE], params)
f.mMtlIdx = mtl_remap[mtl_name]
f.mMtlIdx = prebuild_face_mtl_idx[face_idx]
# return data once
yield f
mesh_part.mFace = face_iterator()
# add part to writer
# then we incursively process instance creation
for proto_instance in proto[TOKEN_INSTANCES]:
# check whether skip this instance
if _eval_others(proto_instance[TOKEN_INSTANCES_SKIP], params) == True:
# calc instance params
instance_params: dict[str, typing.Any] = {}
proto_instance_params: dict[str, str] = proto_instance[TOKEN_INSTANCES_PARAMS]
for proto_inst_param_field, proto_inst_param_data in proto_instance_params.items():
instance_params[proto_inst_param_field] = _eval_others(proto_inst_param_data, params)
# call recursively
@ -428,3 +475,28 @@ def create_bme_struct(
#region Creation Assist Functions
def _compute_normals(
point1: UTIL_virtools_types.ConstVxVector3,
point2: UTIL_virtools_types.ConstVxVector3,
point3: UTIL_virtools_types.ConstVxVector3) -> UTIL_virtools_types.ConstVxVector3:
# build vector
p1: mathutils.Vector = mathutils.Vector(point1)
p2: mathutils.Vector = mathutils.Vector(point2)
p3: mathutils.Vector = mathutils.Vector(point3)
vector1: mathutils.Vector = p2 - p1
vector2: mathutils.Vector = p3 - p2
# do vector x mutiply
# vector1 x vector2
corss_mul: mathutils.Vector = vector1.cross(vector2)
# do a normalization
return (corss_mul.x, corss_mul.y, corss_mul.z)
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