- add translation context for operator, menu, panel and etc. and their associated properties.
- improve some name and description but not finished.
- move reset BME material function inside BMEMaterialsHelper.
- rename variable of collection visitor in BME adder operator for clear meaning.
- replace some message box to report in ballance elements reset operator, BME materials reset operator and rail UV operator
- fix all `def poll(self)` to `def poll(cls)` to let it fit class method name convention.
- fix wrong progress counter when importing virtools file.
- add light support when importing virtools file.
- add corresponding conflict strategy and resolver for light.
- use panel to organise property group in virtools file importer and exporter.
- move all ballance params and virtools params into ioport_shared module and enable different showcase according to the argument passed to show function presenting whether current window is importer or exporter.
- add multiple type ignore to ignore the error of bpy operator member field type hints.
- add ballance map sector info in scene to indicate the maximum sector count of this map.
- this adding will prevent the bug that the exported ballance map do not have successive sector groups. because original implement will not create sector group if no component in corresponding sector and previous remedy still have bug. and if this happended, ballance will show spaceship in wrong sector. this adding is the final solution of this bug.
- exlarge ballance map sector info when user adding component. the enlarged value will be calculated by user input sector.
- auto enlarge ballance map sector info when importing. this will give user a fluent experience when modifying existing map.
- exporting map will also use ballance map sector info to pre-create successive sector group as term 2 stated.
- move sector name extractor from virtools file exporting module to naming convention module.
- disable bmx import/export temporaryly
- optimize the ui display of importing/exporting. (use box to organize props)
- place button horizontally, not vertically in virtools material.
- disallow apply in legacy align if no axis selected.
- add applied step counter in legacy alignment.
- add feedback for reseting bme material/component. (add a message box to show success)
- sync PyBMap work. use different library name in different OS.
- add BMap encoding default value according to different OS (Windows and non-Windows) because non-Windows OS, we use libiconv as encoding converter.
- move all pointer properties to a single module and give corresponding visitor.
- add shared importer exporter parameters module thus bmfile import/export also can ref it.