- remove ignore hidden property. because it is rarely used.
- support more select mode. like blender selection.
- merge function filter by group and select by group as a united function.
- rename system now support display renamed name and old name at the same time to solve the problem that user can not find renamed objects.
- correct some typo of rename system report.
- change bl_options and rewrite invoke and draw functions to let floor creating window become more visual. credit: BLumia.
- also change 3ds max align and flatten uv presentation after changing creating floor window.
- seperate icon loader/unload module.
- add edit mode switch before bm export to prevent potential error
- let the default value of ZBuffer in Virtools Material become True
- fix the issue that duplicated elements adder do not understand enable option.
- add tunnel section creation and re-organise rail creation menu.
- allow duplicated elements (Nong xxx) creation for some special, such as Fan and Extra Point.
- update enum prop into radio button display mode in bmx export and group name selections
- move rename system into outline window right click menu.
- add grouping operator to object menu in outline window.
- add height re-calc in derived block generation for fixing height issue when re-use Flat in sink platform.
- finish all wide floor prototype.
- finish all platform prototype.
- use some laggy AST code to update BMERevenge generation method.
- after this change, BMERevenge become more programable and easy to create more complex models
- ready for wide floor generation development
- add support of 4 alpha fields intorduced in BM spec recently.
- optimize material creation functions argv passing strategy.
- change related func calls of (2).
- optimize material parameter pick code to reduce useless check.
- split blender material creation function.
- allow user to apply virtools material to blender nodes in operator.
- add quick group picker in add virtools group operator.