yyc12345 8588f097a2 fix: change default screw steps to 28.
- change default screw steps to 28 (7 steps for 90 degree)
- update blender mesh annotation.
2024-05-25 20:32:30 +08:00

514 lines
20 KiB
Raw Blame History

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import bpy, bmesh, mathutils
import typing, array, collections
from . import UTIL_functions, UTIL_virtools_types
## Blender Mesh Usage
# This module create a universal mesh visitor, including MeshReader, MeshWriter and MeshUVModifier
# for every other possible module using.
# Obviously, MeshReader is served for 2 exporter, MeshWriter is served for 2 importer.
# MeshWriter also served for BMERevenge module and Ballance element loading.
# MeshUVModifier is used by Flatten UV and Rail UV.
#region Assist Functions
class FaceVertexData():
mPosIdx: int
mNmlIdx: int
mUvIdx: int
def __init__(self, pos: int = 0, nml: int = 0, uv: int = 0):
self.mPosIdx = pos
self.mNmlIdx = nml
self.mUvIdx = uv
class FaceData():
## @remark List or tuple. List is convenient for adding and removing
mIndices: tuple[FaceVertexData, ...] | list[FaceVertexData]
## Face used material slot index
# @remark If material slot is empty, or this face do not use material, set this value to 0.
mMtlIdx: int
def __init__(self, indices: tuple[FaceVertexData, ...] | list[FaceVertexData] = tuple(), mtlidx: int = 0):
self.mIndices = indices
self.mMtlIdx = mtlidx
def conv_co(self) -> None:
Change indice order between Virtools and Blender
if isinstance(self.mIndices, list):
elif isinstance(self.mIndices, tuple):
self.mIndices = self.mIndices[::-1]
raise UTIL_functions.BBPException('invalid indices container.')
def is_indices_legal(self) -> bool:
return len(self.mIndices) >= 3
class MeshWriterIngredient():
mVertexPosition: typing.Iterator[UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector3] | None
mVertexNormal: typing.Iterator[UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector3] | None
mVertexUV: typing.Iterator[UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector2] | None
mFace: typing.Iterator[FaceData] | None
mMaterial: typing.Iterator[bpy.types.Material | None] | None
def __init__(self):
self.mVertexPosition = None
self.mVertexNormal = None
self.mVertexUV = None
self.mFace = None
self.mMaterial = None
def is_valid(self) -> bool:
if self.mVertexPosition is None: return False
if self.mVertexNormal is None: return False
if self.mVertexUV is None: return False
if self.mFace is None: return False
if self.mMaterial is None: return False
return True
def _flat_vxvector3(it: typing.Iterator[UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector3]) -> typing.Iterator[float]:
for entry in it:
yield entry.x
yield entry.y
yield entry.z
def _flat_vxvector2(it: typing.Iterator[UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector2]) -> typing.Iterator[float]:
for entry in it:
yield entry.x
yield entry.y
def _flat_face_nml_index(nml_idx: array.array, nml_array: array.array) -> typing.Iterator[float]:
for idx in nml_idx:
pos: int = idx * 3
yield nml_array[pos]
yield nml_array[pos + 1]
yield nml_array[pos + 2]
def _flat_face_uv_index(uv_idx: array.array, uv_array: array.array) -> typing.Iterator[float]:
for idx in uv_idx:
pos: int = idx * 2
yield uv_array[pos]
yield uv_array[pos + 1]
def _nest_custom_split_normal(nml_array: array.array) -> typing.Iterator[UTIL_virtools_types.ConstVxVector3]:
# following statement create a iterator for normals array by `iter(nml_array)`
# then triple it, because iterator is a reference type, so 3 items of this tuple is pointed to the same iterator and share the same iteration progress.
# then use star macro to pass it to zip, it will cause zip receive 3 params pointing to the same iterator.
# now zip() will call 3 params __next__() function from left to right.
# zip will get following iteration result because all iterator are the same one: (0, 1, 2), (3, 4, 5) and etc (number is index to corresponding value).
# finally, use tuple to expand it to a tuple, not a generator.
return tuple(zip(*(iter(nml_array), ) * 3))
class TemporaryMesh():
__mBindingObject: bpy.types.Object
__mTempMesh: bpy.types.Mesh
def __init__(self, binding_obj: bpy.types.Object):
self.__mBindingObject = binding_obj
self.__mTempMesh = None
if is None:
raise UTIL_functions.BBPException('try getting mesh from an object without mesh.')
self.__mTempMesh = self.__mBindingObject.to_mesh()
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
def is_valid(self) -> bool:
if self.__mBindingObject is None: return False
if self.__mTempMesh is None: return False
return True
def dispose(self) -> None:
if self.is_valid():
self.__mTempMesh = None
self.__mBindingObject = None
def get_temp_mesh(self) -> bpy.types.Mesh:
if not self.is_valid():
raise UTIL_functions.BBPException('try calling invalid TemporaryMesh.')
return self.__mTempMesh
class MeshReader():
The passed mesh must be created by bpy.types.Object.to_mesh() and destroyed by bpy.types.Object.to_mesh_clear().
Because this class must trianglate mesh. To prevent change original mesh, this operations is essential.
A helper class TemporaryMesh can help you do this.
__mAssocMesh: bpy.types.Mesh ##< The binding mesh for this reader. None if this reader is invalid.
def __init__(self, assoc_mesh: bpy.types.Mesh):
self.__mAssocMesh = assoc_mesh
# triangulate temp mesh
if self.is_valid():
def is_valid(self) -> bool:
return self.__mAssocMesh is not None
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
def dispose(self) -> None:
if self.is_valid():
# reset mesh
self.__mAssocMesh = None
def get_vertex_position_count(self) -> int:
if not self.is_valid():
raise UTIL_functions.BBPException('try to call an invalid MeshReader.')
return len(self.__mAssocMesh.vertices)
def get_vertex_position(self) -> typing.Iterator[UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector3]:
if not self.is_valid():
raise UTIL_functions.BBPException('try to call an invalid MeshReader.')
cache: UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector3 = UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector3()
for vec in self.__mAssocMesh.vertices:
cache.x =
cache.y =
cache.z =
yield cache
def get_vertex_normal_count(self) -> int:
if not self.is_valid():
raise UTIL_functions.BBPException('try to call an invalid MeshReader.')
# return loops count, equaling with face count * 3 in theory.
return len(self.__mAssocMesh.loops)
def get_vertex_normal(self) -> typing.Iterator[UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector3]:
if not self.is_valid():
raise UTIL_functions.BBPException('try to call an invalid MeshReader.')
cache: UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector3 = UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector3()
for nml in self.__mAssocMesh.loops:
cache.x = nml.normal.x
cache.y = nml.normal.y
cache.z = nml.normal.z
yield cache
def get_vertex_uv_count(self) -> int:
if not self.is_valid():
raise UTIL_functions.BBPException('try to call an invalid MeshReader.')
if is None:
# if no uv layer, we need make a fake one
# return the same value with normals.
# it also mean create uv for each face vertex
return len(self.__mAssocMesh.loops)
# otherwise return its size, also equaling with face count * 3 in theory
return len(
def get_vertex_uv(self) -> typing.Iterator[UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector2]:
if not self.is_valid():
raise UTIL_functions.BBPException('try to call an invalid MeshReader.')
cache: UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector2 = UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector2()
if is None:
# create a fake one
cache.x = 0.0
cache.y = 0.0
for _ in range(self.get_vertex_uv_count()):
yield cache
for uv in
cache.x = uv.vector.x
cache.y = uv.vector.y
yield cache
def get_material_slot_count(self) -> int:
if not self.is_valid():
raise UTIL_functions.BBPException('try to call an invalid MeshReader.')
return len(self.__mAssocMesh.materials)
def get_material_slot(self) -> typing.Iterator[bpy.types.Material | None]:
@remark This generator may return None if this slot do not link to may material.
if not self.is_valid():
raise UTIL_functions.BBPException('try to call an invalid MeshReader.')
for mtl in self.__mAssocMesh.materials:
yield mtl
def get_face_count(self) -> int:
if not self.is_valid():
raise UTIL_functions.BBPException('try to call an invalid MeshReader.')
return len(self.__mAssocMesh.polygons)
def get_face(self) -> typing.Iterator[FaceData]:
if not self.is_valid():
raise UTIL_functions.BBPException('try to call an invalid MeshReader.')
# detect whether we have material
no_mtl: bool = self.get_material_slot_count() == 0
# use list as indices container for convenient adding and deleting.
cache: FaceData = FaceData([], 0)
for face in self.__mAssocMesh.polygons:
# confirm material use
# a face without mtl have 2 situations. first is the whole object do not have mtl
# another is this face use an empty mtl slot.
if no_mtl:
cache.mMtlIdx = 0
cache.mMtlIdx = face.material_index
# resize indices
self.__resize_face_data_indices(cache.mIndices, face.loop_total)
# set indices
for i in range(face.loop_total):
cache.mIndices[i].mPosIdx = self.__mAssocMesh.loops[face.loop_start + i].vertex_index
cache.mIndices[i].mNmlIdx = face.loop_start + i
cache.mIndices[i].mUvIdx = face.loop_start + i
# return value
yield cache
def __resize_face_data_indices(self, ls: list[FaceVertexData], expected_size: int) -> None:
diff: int = expected_size - len(ls)
if diff > 0:
# add entry
for _ in range(diff):
elif diff < 0:
# remove entry
for _ in range(diff):
# no count diff, pass
def __triangulate_mesh(self) -> None:
bm: bmesh.types.BMesh =
bmesh.ops.triangulate(bm, faces = bm.faces)
class MeshWriter():
If face do not use material, pass 0 as its material index.
If face do not have UV becuase it doesn't have material, you at least create 1 UV vector, eg. (0, 0),
then refer it to all face uv.
__mAssocMesh: bpy.types.Mesh ##< The binding mesh for this writer. None if this writer is invalid.
__mVertexPos: array.array ##< Array item is float(f). Length must be an integer multiple of 3.
__mVertexNormal: array.array ##< Array item is float(f). Length must be an integer multiple of 3.
__mVertexUV: array.array ##< Array item is float(f). Length must be an integer multiple of 2.
## Array item is int32(L).
# Length must be the sum of each items in __mFaceVertexCount.
# Item is face vertex position index, based on 0, pointing to __mVertexPos (visiting need multiple it with 3 because __mVertexPos is flat struct).
__mFacePosIndices: array.array
## Same as __mFacePosIndices, but store face vertex normal index.
# Array item is int32(L). Length is equal to __mFacePosIndices
__mFaceNmlIndices: array.array
## Same as __mFacePosIndices, but store face vertex uv index.
# Array item is int32(L). Length is equal to __mFacePosIndices
__mFaceUvIndices: array.array
## Array item is int32(L).
# Length is the face count.
# It indicate how much vertex need to be consumed in __mFacePosIndices, __mFaceNmlIndices and __mFaceUvIndices for one face.
__mFaceVertexCount: array.array
__mFaceMtlIdx: array.array ##< Array item is int32(L). Length is equal to __mFaceVertexCount.
## Material Slot.
# Each item is unique make sure by __mMtlSlotMap
__mMtlSlot: list[bpy.types.Material | None]
## The map to make sure every item in __mMtlSlot is unique.
# Key is bpy.types.Material
# Value is key's index in __mMtlSlot.
__mMtlSlotMap: dict[bpy.types.Material | None, int]
def __init__(self, assoc_mesh: bpy.types.Mesh):
self.__mAssocMesh = assoc_mesh
self.__mVertexPos = array.array('f')
self.__mVertexNormal = array.array('f')
self.__mVertexUV = array.array('f')
self.__mFacePosIndices = array.array('L')
self.__mFaceNmlIndices = array.array('L')
self.__mFaceUvIndices = array.array('L')
self.__mFaceVertexCount = array.array('L')
self.__mFaceMtlIdx = array.array('L')
self.__mMtlSlot = []
self.__mMtlSlotMap = {}
def is_valid(self) -> bool:
return self.__mAssocMesh is not None
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
def dispose(self):
if self.is_valid():
# write mesh
# reset mesh
self.__mAssocMesh = None
def add_ingredient(self, data: MeshWriterIngredient):
if not self.is_valid():
raise UTIL_functions.BBPException('try to call an invalid MeshWriter.')
if not data.is_valid():
raise UTIL_functions.BBPException('invalid mesh part data.')
# add vertex data
prev_vertex_pos_count: int = len(self.__mVertexPos) // 3
prev_vertex_nml_count: int = len(self.__mVertexNormal) // 3
prev_vertex_uv_count: int = len(self.__mVertexUV) // 2
# add material slot data and create mtl remap
mtl_remap: list[int] = []
for mtl in data.mMaterial:
idx: int | None = self.__mMtlSlotMap.get(mtl, None)
if idx is not None:
self.__mMtlSlotMap[mtl] = len(self.__mMtlSlot)
# add face data
for face in data.mFace:
# check indices count
if not face.is_indices_legal():
raise UTIL_functions.BBPException('face must have at least 3 vertex.')
# add indices
for vec_index in face.mIndices:
self.__mFacePosIndices.append(vec_index.mPosIdx + prev_vertex_pos_count)
self.__mFaceNmlIndices.append(vec_index.mNmlIdx + prev_vertex_nml_count)
self.__mFaceUvIndices.append(vec_index.mUvIdx + prev_vertex_uv_count)
# add face mtl with remap
mtl_idx: int = face.mMtlIdx
if mtl_idx < 0 or mtl_idx >= len(mtl_remap):
# fall back. add 0
def __write_mesh(self):
# detect status
if not self.is_valid():
raise UTIL_functions.BBPException('try to call an invalid MeshWriter.')
# and clear mesh
# push material data
for mtl in self.__mMtlSlot:
# add corresponding count for vertex position
self.__mAssocMesh.vertices.add(len(self.__mVertexPos) // 3)
# add loops data, it is the sum count of indices
# we use face pos indices size to get it
# set face count
# create uv layer = False)
# split normals, it is IMPORTANT
# add vertex position data
self.__mAssocMesh.vertices.foreach_set('co', self.__mVertexPos)
# add face vertex pos index data
self.__mAssocMesh.loops.foreach_set('vertex_index', self.__mFacePosIndices)
# add face vertex nml by function
tuple(_flat_face_nml_index(self.__mFaceNmlIndices, self.__mVertexNormal))
# add face vertex uv by function'vector',
tuple(_flat_face_uv_index(self.__mFaceUvIndices, self.__mVertexUV))
) # NOTE: blender 3.5 changed. UV must be visited by .uv, not the .data
# iterate face to set face data
f_vertex_idx: int = 0
for fi in range(len(self.__mFaceVertexCount)):
# set start loop
# NOTE: blender 3.6 changed. Loop setting in polygon do not need set loop_total any more.
# the loop_total will be auto calculated by the next loop_start.
# loop_total become read-only
self.__mAssocMesh.polygons[fi].loop_start = f_vertex_idx
# set material index
self.__mAssocMesh.polygons[fi].material_index = self.__mFaceMtlIdx[fi]
# set auto smooth. it is IMPORTANT
# because it related to whether custom split normal can work
self.__mAssocMesh.polygons[fi].use_smooth = True
# inc vertex idx
f_vertex_idx += self.__mFaceVertexCount[fi]
# validate mesh.
# it is IMPORTANT that do NOT delete custom data
# because we need use these data to set custom split normal later
self.__mAssocMesh.validate(clean_customdata = False)
# update mesh without mesh calc
self.__mAssocMesh.update(calc_edges = False, calc_edges_loose = False)
# set custom split normal data
# this operation must copy preserved normal data from loops, not the array data in this class,
# because the validate() may change the mesh and if change happended, an error will occur when applying normals (not matched loops count).
# this should not happend in normal case, for testing, please load "Level_1.NMO" (Ballance Level 1).
# copy data from loops preserved in validate().
loops_normals = array.array('f', [0.0] * (len(self.__mAssocMesh.loops) * 3))
self.__mAssocMesh.loops.foreach_get('normal', loops_normals)
# apply data
# enable auto smooth. it is IMPORTANT
self.__mAssocMesh.use_auto_smooth = True
def __clear_mesh(self):
if not self.is_valid():
raise UTIL_functions.BBPException('try to call an invalid MeshWriter.')
# clear geometry
# clear mtl slot because clear_geometry will not do this.