yyc12345 4ce7021054 refactor: refactor visual studio build file generation script.
- refactoring VS build used file generation script, but not finished. only correct some bad Python syntax and etc.
- remove gamepiaynmo virtools SDK pre-build project. we no longer need it.
- rename some folders name.
2024-05-22 22:05:55 +08:00

52 lines
1.7 KiB

import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
import xml.dom
import os
import sys
class VsVcxprojModifier():
BUILDTYPE_EXE: str = 'Application'
BUILDTYPE_DLL: str = 'DynamicLibrary'
def __init__(self, vcfile: str):
self.__Dom = minidom.parse(vcfile)
self.__FileName: str = vcfile
self.__BuildType: str = None
def SetBuildType(self, bt: str):
self.__BuildType = bt
def Write2File(self):
# if no spec build type, do not modify
if self.__BuildType is None:
# get corresponding entry
dom = self.__Dom
node_project = dom.documentElement
for node_PG in node_project.getElementsByTagName('PropertyGroup'):
attr_label = node_PG.getAttribute('Label')
attr_condition = node_PG.getAttribute('Condition')
# skip invalid node
if attr_label != 'Configuration':
if attr_condition != "'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'" and attr_condition != "'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'":
# this is valid node, process it
node_CT = node_PG.getElementsByTagName('ConfigurationType')
if len(node_CT) != 0:
# have node, change it
node_CT[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue = self.__BuildType
# don't have node, add one
node_CT = dom.createElement('ConfigurationType')
# write file
with open(self.__FileName, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
dom.writexml(f, encoding='utf-8')