finish script. but vt can not recognize it
This commit is contained in:
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ public class NlpRunner {
// [^\\r\\n]*[\\r\\n]+ is match to line breaker.
private static final Pattern mRegStrCctor = Pattern.compile("\\\\[^\\\\rn][^\\r\\n]*[\\r\\n]+");
private static final Pattern mRegDoubleQuote = Pattern.compile("\\\"\\\"");
private static final Pattern mRegEscSlash = Pattern.compile("\\\\\\\\");
// private static final Pattern mRegEscSlash = Pattern.compile("\\\\\\\\");
private static final Pattern mRegEscTab = Pattern.compile("\\t");
private static final Pattern mRegEscEol = Pattern.compile("\\r?\\n");
private String cutLangHead(String strl) {
@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ public class NlpRunner {
private String regulateString(String strl) {
strl = mRegStrCctor.matcher(strl).replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("")); // remove string concator
strl = mRegDoubleQuote.matcher(strl).replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("\""));// replace "" with "
strl = mRegEscSlash.matcher(strl).replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\")); // replace real escape to escape char
strl = mRegEscTab.matcher(strl).replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\t"));
// strl = mRegEscSlash.matcher(strl).replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\"));// leave double back slash alone. we still need it.
strl = mRegEscTab.matcher(strl).replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\t")); // replace real escape to escape char
strl = mRegEscEol.matcher(strl).replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\n"));
return strl;
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ def ConstructVtTrDataTuple() -> tuple[VtTrDataTuple]:
if __name__ == "__main__":
prevJson = None
prevPlainValues = None
for vtVer in ConstructVtTrDataTuple():
print(f'Processing {vtVer.nlpJson}...')
@ -25,14 +25,14 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
NlpUtils.DumpTrIndex(vtVer.trIndex, plainKeys)
# compare with previous one
if prevJson is None:
if prevPlainValues is None:
# this is first json. omit diff
# write blank diff and write whole translation values
NlpUtils.DumpTrDiff(vtVer.trDiff, [], [])
NlpUtils.DumpTrTemplate(vtVer.trTemplate, dict(zip(plainKeys, plainValues)))
# compare with prev json
cmpResult = jsondiff.diff(prevJson, plainValues)
cmpResult = jsondiff.diff(prevPlainValues, plainValues)
# seperate diff result
(insertedKey, deletedKey, insertedVal) = NlpUtils.SeperatePlainJsonDiff(cmpResult)
@ -42,5 +42,5 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
NlpUtils.DumpTrTemplate(vtVer.trTemplate, dict((plainKeys[insertedKey[i]], insertedVal[i]) for i in range(len(insertedKey))))
# assign prev json
prevJson = plainValues
prevPlainValues = plainValues
@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ import jsondiff
import collections
g_SupportedEncoding = {
'zh-cn': ('utf-8', 'gb2312', )
'zh-cn': ('Chinese', ('utf-8', 'gb2312', ), )
VtTrDataTuple = collections.namedtuple('VtTrDataTuple', ('rawNlp', 'trTemplate', 'trDiff', 'trIndex'))
def GetRawNlpPath(ver: str, lang: str) -> str:
return f'../NlpTr/out/VT{ver}.{lang}.txt'
def GetRawNlpPath(ver: str, lang: str, enc: str) -> str:
return f'../NlpTr/out/VT{ver}.{lang}.{enc}.txt'
def GetTrPath(ver: str, lang: str) -> str:
return f'../NlpTr/VT{ver}.{lang}.json'
def GetTrDiffPath(ver: str) -> str:
@ -18,16 +18,52 @@ def GetTrIndexPath(ver: str) -> str:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# load each version's diff data and patch data for conventient using
PreLoadedDiffIdxTuple = collections.namedtuple('PreLoadedDiffIndexTuple', ('insertedKey', 'deletedKey', 'plainKeys'))
preLoadedData: dict[str, PreLoadedDiffIdxTuple] = {}
for ver in NlpUtils.g_VirtoolsVersion:
# load diff and index data
insertedKey, deletedKey = NlpUtils.LoadTrDiff(GetTrDiffPath(ver))
plainKeys = NlpUtils.LoadTrIndex(GetTrIndexPath(ver))
# insert to dict
preLoadedData[ver] = PreLoadedDiffIdxTuple._make((insertedKey, deletedKey, plainKeys))
# iterate lang first
# because we use progressive patch. we need iterate vt ver in order
for lang in NlpUtils.g_SupportedLangs:
prevPlainValues: list[str] = None
for ver in NlpUtils.g_VirtoolsVersion:
print(f'Processing {ver}.{lang}...')
# pick data from pre-loaded dict
diffIdxData = preLoadedData[ver]
for lang in NlpUtils.g_SupportedLangs:
# load lang file
# and only keeps its value.
trFull = NlpUtils.LoadTrTemplate(GetTrPath(ver, lang))
_, plainValues = zip(*trFull.items())
# patch it
# patch it if needed
if prevPlainValues is not None:
# patch needed load
# load patch part first
trPart = NlpUtils.LoadTrTemplate(GetTrPath(ver, lang))
# convert plain json to nested json
# re-construct the diff structure understood by jsondiff
cmpResult = NlpUtils.CombinePlainJsonDiff(diffIdxData.insertedKey, diffIdxData.deletedKey, plainValues)
# patch data
plainValues = jsondiff.patch(prevPlainValues, cmpResult)
# convert plain json to nlp json
nlpJson = NlpUtils.PlainJson2NlpJson(plainKeys, plainValues)
# write into file with different encoding
for enc in g_SupportedEncoding[lang]:
print(f'Process {ver}.{lang}.{enc}...')
lang_macro, encs = g_SupportedEncoding[lang]
for enc in encs:
print(f'Processing {ver}.{lang}.{enc}...')
NlpUtils.DumpNlpJson(GetRawNlpPath(ver, lang, enc), enc, lang_macro, nlpJson)
# assign prev json
prevPlainValues = plainValues
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import jsondiff
import collections
import io
import json
import re
g_VirtoolsVersion: tuple[str] = (
'25', '35', '40', '50',
@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ def DumpTrTemplate(filepath: str, templateData: dict[str, str]):
def LoadTrTemplate(filepath: str) -> dict[str, str]:
return LoadJson(filepath)
def DumpTrDiff(filepath: str, insertedKey: list[str], deletedKey: list[str]):
def DumpTrDiff(filepath: str, insertedKey: list[int], deletedKey: list[int]):
with open(filepath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
for entryIdx in insertedKey:
@ -49,9 +50,9 @@ def DumpTrDiff(filepath: str, insertedKey: list[str], deletedKey: list[str]):
# return a tuple. (insertedKey, deletedKey)
def LoadTrDiff(filepath: str) -> dict:
insertedKey: list[str] = []
deletedKey: list[str] = []
def LoadTrDiff(filepath: str) -> tuple:
insertedKey: list[int] = []
deletedKey: list[int] = []
with open(filepath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
while True:
ln = f.readline()
@ -59,9 +60,9 @@ def LoadTrDiff(filepath: str) -> dict:
sp = ln.strip('\n').split('/')
if sp[0] == 'i':
return (insertedKey, deletedKey)
@ -121,3 +122,81 @@ def InternalNlpJson2PlainJson(nlpJson: dict, stack: collections.deque, keyList:
InternalNlpJson2PlainJson(entry, stack, keyList, valueList)
def PlainJson2NlpJson(keyList: list[str], valueList: list[str]) -> dict:
# create the base section
# each section will have 3 k-v pair. language/section and entities are existed in original nlp json
# and key_map is served for path finding and convenient for looking for sub section.
result: dict = {
"language": "English",
"entities": [],
"key_map": {}
# inerate list and construct dict
for k, v in zip(keyList, valueList):
InternalPlainJson2NlpJson(result, k, v)
return result
def InternalPlainJson2NlpJson(nlpJson: dict, pairKey: str, pairVal: str):
keypath = pairKey.split('/')
# confirm last node is number and remove it
assert keypath[-1].isdecimal()
keypath = keypath[0:-1]
# move to correct sub section
for pathpart in keypath:
if pathpart in nlpJson['key_map']:
# existed sub section. directly entering
nlpJson = nlpJson['key_map'][pathpart]
# create a new one
sub_section = {
'section': pathpart,
'entities': [],
'key_map': {}
# add into current section
nlpJson['key_map'][pathpart] = sub_section
# move to the new created sub section
nlpJson = sub_section
# insert data
def DumpNlpJson(filepath: str, encoding: str, lang_macro: str, nlpJson: dict):
# write in wb mode because we need explicitly write \r\n, not \n
with open(filepath, 'wb') as f:
f.write(f'Language:{lang_macro}\r\n'.encode(encoding, errors='ignore'))
InternalDumpNlpJson(f, encoding, 0, nlpJson)
g_NlpJsonStrRepl1 = re.compile('\\\\')
g_NlpJsonStrRepl2 = re.compile('\"')
def NlpJsonStringProcessor(strl: str) -> str:
return g_NlpJsonStrRepl2.sub('\"\"', strl)
def InternalDumpNlpJson(f: io.BufferedWriter, encoding: str, depth: int, nlpJson: dict):
assert 'entities' in nlpJson
is_first: bool = True
for entity in nlpJson['entities']:
if isinstance(entity, str):
# write comma if not the first element
if not is_first: f.write(','.encode(encoding))
else: is_first = False
# write real data
# replace all " to "" to escape
f.write('"{0}"'.format(NlpJsonStringProcessor(entity)).encode(encoding, errors='ignore'))
# sub section
# write section header and call self.
if depth == 0:
f.write(f'\r\n[{entity["section"]}]\r\n'.encode(encoding, errors='ignore'))
f.write(f'\r\n<{entity["section"]}>\r\n'.encode(encoding, errors='ignore'))
InternalDumpNlpJson(f, encoding, depth + 1, entity)
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