doc: update documentation for encoding helper
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@ -8,4 +8,99 @@ YYCC::EncodingHelper namespace include all encoding related functions:
\li Windows specific convertion between \c WCHAR, UTF8 string and string encoded by other encoding.
\li The convertion among UTF8, UTF16 and UTF32.
\section encoding_helper__native_utf8_conv Native & UTF8 Convertion
These convertion functions have been introduced in previous page.
See \ref library_encoding for more infomation.
\section encoding_helper__win_conv Windows Specific Convertion
\section encoding_helper__utf_conv UTF8 UTF16 UTF32 Convertion
\section encoding_helper__overloads Function Overloads
Every encoding convertion functions (except the convertion between UTF8 and native string) have 4 different overloads for different scenarios.
Take YYCC::EncodingHelper::WcharToChar for example.
There are following 4 overloads:
bool WcharToChar(const std::wstring_view& src, std::string& dst, UINT code_page);
bool WcharToChar(const wchar_t* src, std::string& dst, UINT code_page);
std::string WcharToChar(const std::wstring_view& src, UINT code_page);
std::string WcharToChar(const wchar_t* src, UINT code_page);
\subsection encoding_helper__overloads_destination Destination String
According to the return value, these 4 overload can be divided into 2 types.
The first type returns bool. The second type returns \c std::string instance.
For the first type, it always return bool to indicate whether the convertion is success.
Due to this, the function must require an argument for holding the result string.
So you can see the functions belonging to this type always require a reference to \c std::string in argument.
Oppositely, the second directly returns result by return value.
It doesn't care the success of convertion and will return empty string if convertion failed.
Programmer can more naturally use it because the retuen value itself is the result.
There is no need to declare a variable before calling convertion function for holding result.
All in all, the first type overload should be used in strict scope.
The success of convertion will massively affect the behavior of your following code.
For example, the convertion code is delivered to some system function and it should not be empty and etc.
The second type overload usually is used in lossen scenarios.
For exmaple, this overload usually is used in console output because it usually doesn't matter.
There is no risk even if the convertion failed (just output a blank string).
For the first type, please note that there is \b NO guarantee that the argument holding return value is not changed.
Even the convertion is failed, the argument holding return value may still be changed by function itself.
In this case, the type of result is \c std::string because this is function required.
In other functions, such as YYCC::EncodingHelper::WcharToUTF8, the type of result can be \c yycc_u8string or etc.
So please note the type of result is decided by convertion function itself, not only \c std::string.
\subsection encoding_helper__overloads__source Source String
According to the way providing source string,
these 4 overload also can be divided into 2 types.
The first type take a reference to constant \c std::wstring_view.
The second type take a pointer to constant wchar_t.
For first type, it will take the whole string for convertion, including \b embedded NUL terminal.
Please note we use string view as argument.
It is compatible with corresponding raw string pointer and string container.
So it is safe to directly pass \c std::wstring for this function.
For second type, it will assume that you passed argument is a NUL terminated string and send it for convertion.
The result is clear.
If you want to process string with \b embedded NUL terminal, please choose first type overload.
Otherwise the second type overload is enough.
Same as destination string, the type of source is also decided by the convertion function itself.
For exmaple, the type of source in YYCC::EncodingHelper::UTF8ToWchar is \c yycc_u8string and \c yycc_char8_t,
not \c std::wstring and \c wchar_t.
\subsection encoding_helper__overloads__extra Extra Argument
There is an extra argument called \c code_page for YYCC::EncodingHelper::WcharToChar.
It indicate the code page of destination string,
because this function will convert \c wchar_t string to the string with specified code page encoding.
Some convertion functions have extra argument like this,
because they need more infomations to decide what they need to do.
Some convertion functions don't have these extra argument.
For exmaple, the convertion between \c wchar_t string and UTF8 string.
Because both source string and destination string are concrete.
There is no need to provide any more infomations.
\subsection encoding_helper__overloads__conclusion Conclusion
Mixing 2 types of source string and 2 types of destination string,
we have 4 different overload as we illustrated before.
Programmer can use them freely according to your requirements.
And don't forget to provide extra argument if function required.
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