think Register and notification works okey
This commit is contained in:
@ -226,6 +226,36 @@ namespace LibCmo::CK2 {
#pragma region Initializations functions
A small hint for ToBeNotify, CommonToBeNotify and ToNotify
Assume that A need notification from B, we can see it as A want buy something from B.
This relation is represented in ToBeNotify, a pure relation without any inhertance hierarchy.
Ok, now we assume A have children AA, B also have children BB.
It's okey to order AA to buy something from B, becase AA is the children of A.
This relation is represneted in CommonToBeNotify.
For AA, he does not need want to buy something from B, but his parent A order he to do.
So AA's ToBeNotify do not have B, but his CommonToBeNotify have B.
So now, let we change the view from A to B.
B now can sell something to A or AA. This represent in B's ToNotify.
Because B is a bussiness man, as the children of B, let we assume BB also have capability to sell something.
He initially do not have any bussiness relation, because no one need to buy something from him.
But he is smart, he want to use his parent bussiness relation. He copied his parent relation, B's ToNotify.
Now BB can trade with A and AA, this represent in his ToNotify.
Now A and AA know that BB is children of B and B is their bussiness friend.
So they also can buy something from BB. This result in that BB is added into their CommonToBeNotify.
At the end of this story,
All bussiness man can use ToNofity to see whom they want to sell something to.
ToNofity list have A and all of his children.
And all buyer can use CommonToBeNofity to check who they can buy something from.
CommonToBeNotify have B and all of this children.
ToBeNotify is just a list to indicate the initial bussiness relation and will never used anymore after real relation established.
static void ComputeParentsTable(CKClassDesc& desc) {
// if it has done, do not process it again.
if (desc.Done) return;
@ -263,14 +293,48 @@ namespace LibCmo::CK2 {
// copy self notify first
desc.CommonToBeNotify = desc.ToBeNotify;
// add all children of ToBeNofity list
for (CKDWORD idx = 0; idx < desc.ToBeNotify.size(); ++idx) {
if (!XContainer::NSXBitArray::IsSet(desc.ToBeNotify, idx))
CKClassDesc& target = g_CKClassInfo[idx];
if (!target.IsValid) continue;
XContainer::NSXBitArray::Or(desc.CommonToBeNotify, target.Children);
// and merge parent notify list
XContainer::NSXBitArray::Or(desc.CommonToBeNotify, parent.CommonToBeNotify);
// set done
desc.Done = true;
//static void ComputeParentsNotifyTable(CKClassDesc& desc) {
// // if it has done, do not process it again.
// if (desc.Done) return;
// // find direct parent
// CKClassDesc& parent = g_CKClassInfo[static_cast<size_t>(desc.Parent)];
// if (!parent.IsValid) LIBPANIC("No such CK_CLASSID.");
// // if it is not self inheritance, call recursively
// if (desc.Self != desc.Parent) {
// ComputeParentsNotifyTable(parent);
// }
// // copy parent ToNotify list
// desc.ToNotify = parent.ToNotify;
// // iterate all desc to know which id need beNotify me
// // and add them
// for (const auto& checking : g_CKClassInfo) {
// if (!checking.IsValid) continue;
// if (XContainer::NSXBitArray::IsSet(checking.CommonToBeNotify, static_cast<CKDWORD>(desc.Self))) {
// XContainer::NSXBitArray::Set(desc.ToNotify, static_cast<CKDWORD>(checking.Self));
// }
// }
// // set done
// desc.Done = true;
static void CKBuildClassHierarchyTable() {
size_t classCount = g_CKClassInfo.size();
@ -278,16 +342,13 @@ namespace LibCmo::CK2 {
// set Done to false and resize inhertance XBitArray
for (auto& item : g_CKClassInfo) {
if (!item.IsValid) continue;
item.Done = false;
XContainer::NSXBitArray::Resize(item.Parents, static_cast<CKDWORD>(classCount));
XContainer::NSXBitArray::Resize(item.Children, static_cast<CKDWORD>(classCount));
// compute parents
for (auto& item : g_CKClassInfo) {
if (!item.IsValid) continue;
// compute children by parents table
@ -296,12 +357,13 @@ namespace LibCmo::CK2 {
if (!item.IsValid) continue;
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < classCount; ++idx) {
if (!g_CKClassInfo[idx].IsValid) continue;
CKClassDesc& checking = g_CKClassInfo[idx];
if (!checking.IsValid) continue;
// if this idx is its parent,
// add self to parent.
if (XContainer::NSXBitArray::IsSet(item.Parents, static_cast<CKDWORD>(idx))) {
XContainer::NSXBitArray::Set(g_CKClassInfo[idx].Children, static_cast<CKDWORD>(item.Self));
XContainer::NSXBitArray::Set(checking.Children, static_cast<CKDWORD>(item.Self));
@ -314,35 +376,30 @@ namespace LibCmo::CK2 {
// ===== Build Notify Hierarchy =====
// set Done to false and resize notify XBitArray
// set array first
for (auto& item : g_CKClassInfo) {
if (!item.IsValid) continue;
item.Done = false;
XContainer::NSXBitArray::Resize(item.ToBeNotify, static_cast<CKDWORD>(classCount));
XContainer::NSXBitArray::Resize(item.CommonToBeNotify, static_cast<CKDWORD>(classCount));
XContainer::NSXBitArray::Resize(item.ToNotify, static_cast<CKDWORD>(classCount));
// compute notify
// compute CommonToBeNotify
for (auto& item : g_CKClassInfo) {
if (!item.IsValid) continue;
// compute ToNotify table
// for each desc(represented as outter 'for'), iterate all desc(represented as inner 'for'), and check whether its
// CommonToBeNotify contain this desc. If true, add checking desc into this desc's ToNotify.
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < classCount; ++idx) {
if (!g_CKClassInfo[idx].IsValid) continue;
// compute ToNotify
for (CKDWORD idx = 0; idx < classCount; ++idx) {
CKClassDesc& thisDesc = g_CKClassInfo[idx];
if (!thisDesc.IsValid) continue;
for (const auto& checkingDesc : g_CKClassInfo) {
if(!checkingDesc.IsValid) continue;
for (auto& checking : g_CKClassInfo) {
if (!checking.IsValid) continue;
// if checkingDesc's CommonToBeNotify order this desc,
// add checking desc to ToNofity
if (XContainer::NSXBitArray::IsSet(checkingDesc.CommonToBeNotify, static_cast<CKDWORD>(idx))) {
XContainer::NSXBitArray::Set(g_CKClassInfo[idx].ToNotify, static_cast<CKDWORD>(checkingDesc.Self));
// if checkingDesc order me, add it.
if (XContainer::NSXBitArray::IsSet(checking.CommonToBeNotify, idx)) {
XContainer::NSXBitArray::Set(thisDesc.ToNotify, static_cast<CKDWORD>(checking.Self));
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ namespace LibCmo::CK2 {
CKINT DerivationLevel; // O => CKObject , etc..
XContainer::XBitArray Parents; // Bit Mask of parents classes
XContainer::XBitArray Children; // Bit Mask of children classes
XContainer::XBitArray ToBeNotify; // User specified notify list, only for current class.
XContainer::XBitArray ToBeNotify; // User specified notify list, only for current class. If any deleted objects match class id in this XBitArray, notify the host of this XBitArray.
XContainer::XBitArray CommonToBeNotify; // Same as ToBeNotify, but merging all parents' notify list.
XContainer::XBitArray ToNotify; // The ClassID to notify when an object of this class is deleted (inverse of ToBeNotify)
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