- move EnumsHelper into YYCC because it is widely used.
- rename all calling to EnumsHelper due to this modification.
- add version checker in code to make sure that user use correct YYCC library to compile.
- modify some include syntax because the include directory layout changes of YYCC.
- update CMake script to resolve the bug that we can not export LibCmo (thanks doyaGu and BLumia).
- restore some CKGlobals behavior because it will cause runtime exception.
- move some classes from CmdHelper to UnvirtContext to make CmdHelper more common to use.
- output warning string when fail to get utf8 or ordinary string.
- add documentation for CKGlobals, VxMath (partly)
- Fix build issue in CKDefines, CKGlobals, VxMath.
- Bring libcmo exception in CKGlobals and VxMath for some illegal input.
- fix BMapBindings generator due to the rename of LIBCMO_EXPORT -> BMAP_EXPORT.
- fix relative path issue in Python scripts within CodeGen.
- remove all references to LIBCMO_PANIC. use exception instead to tell user they are fool.
- basically finish universal encoding tables. add lost encoding name.
- fix Vector declaration generator. throw exception when operator[] face invalid index, instead of do fallback.
- rename VTAll.hpp -> VTInternal.hpp and VYUserAll -> VTAll.hpp for easy to understand.
- fix project name error in Doxygen template.
- replace all LIBCMO_OS_WIN32 to YYCC_OS == YYCC_OS_WINDOWS.
- fix some compile error (involving utf8 encoding) but not the final result.
- use correct way to include std-image library (use <> instead of "")
- finish documentation for VTUtils.hpp and VTEncoding.hpp.
- remove VTImage.hpp to make sure stb image do not need external project to ref.
- finish CKStateChunk write part. add some compatibilty code.
- add debugger pause function
- add filename getter for CKPathManager.