- improve BMe extractor with new added classes.
- I have written a half of BME validator, but I gave up now.
* it takes too much time and I don't want to pay more on it. postpone it to next update.
* I annotate all of BMe validator code for future implementation.
* the improvement of BME json files (upgrade them to YAML format) also is postponed.
- change some interface in common.py. synchronize it to other modules using it.
- add translation context for operator, menu, panel and etc. and their associated properties.
- improve some name and description but not finished.
- move reset BME material function inside BMEMaterialsHelper.
- rename variable of collection visitor in BME adder operator for clear meaning.
- replace some message box to report in ballance elements reset operator, BME materials reset operator and rail UV operator
- use list to show bmap encoding settings, instead of user input raw string. it will give a more obvisous interface.
* add bmap encoding setting properties in ptrprop_resolver.
* update ptrprop_resolver for more clear usage.
- following features has not been implemented yet.
* default value for bmap encoding list.
* the bridge function in ioport_shared module (filter empty item in result)
* validate encoding list result when importing and exporting virtools file.
- add TinyMutex to resolve the issue that we can not operate the virtools group infos of 2 individual objects.
* use this new class for all class need resource mutex, such as ballance element, bme materials and etc.
- add CollectionVisitor to resolve that blender have bad document and type hint for runtime bpy.types.CollectionProperty.
* now all visit to CollectionProperty are delegated by this class.
- add a new operator which can converte selected object to mesh, and if object is curve and has bevel object, it will copy the virtools group info of bevel object at the same time.
- add a hint in virtools group panel to tell user that the virtools group of non-mesh object will not be saved.
- move rail creation function into an individual file, UTIL_rail_creator.py
- add flip options for screw rails. this allow user to create any types of screw rail they needed.
- add default rail material when creating rail.
* add Rail material in bme material.
- remove negative screw radius feature when creating curve rail.
* originally negative screw radius will cause normal flip issue when creating.
* however, negative screw radius feature can no fulfill each shapes of screw style. it is more convenient using blender mirror feature after creating screw rail.
* thus I remove this feature, not fix it (I can fix it).
- support light type when exporting virtools.
- both import and export virtools file now support light type. however there is a slight bug about light direction need to be resolved.
- fix bug that exporter throw exception if exported collection contain non-mesh object or exported object is not mesh object.
- fix the usage of BMMeshTrans according to upstream changes.
- fix all `def poll(self)` to `def poll(cls)` to let it fit class method name convention.
- fix wrong progress counter when importing virtools file.
- add light support when importing virtools file.
- add corresponding conflict strategy and resolver for light.
- add virtools light feature for blender light type and add all essential operators, functions and structs.
- remove PyBMap from repository. order builder fetch it on their own.
- update gitignore.
- use panel to organise property group in virtools file importer and exporter.
- move all ballance params and virtools params into ioport_shared module and enable different showcase according to the argument passed to show function presenting whether current window is importer or exporter.
- add multiple type ignore to ignore the error of bpy operator member field type hints.
- fix issus that legacy align can not align object with non-1 scale factors.
- refactor some functions in legacy align to have better looking.
- fix issus that legacy fail to align objects since second executing by forcely updating view layer.
- update blender_manifest.toml to the latest version and fix the issues raised by blender when packaging.
- use blender do packaging work. remove redist.py because blender_manifest.toml has gitignore like filter feature when packaging.
- update document about installing, configurating, building plugin for blender 4.2.
- update a document image for blender 4.2.
- fix issue that blender 4.2 lost use_auto_smooth and calc_split_normals. (it almost works but not perfect. still need more debugging)
- remove depracted material blend_mode. use modern one instead. (the modern setting make me consufes but it works)
- update to Blender 4.2 LTS
- fix issue that can not find specular property in priniciple BSDF when applying virtools material.
- update blender manifest toml to let plugin works.
- there are various mesh works need to be fixed in later commits. this commit can not works normally on blender 4.2
- add blender_manifest.toml
- add a removal note for bl_info in __init__.py.
- it doesn't mean that this plugin now can be used in blender 4.2. I just add some trivial changes which do not break current compatibility to reduce migration work in future.
- add extra transform for rail creation.
- remove scale from extra transform because it is rarely used. because Ballance can not handle the physicalization of scaled object.
- add extra transform properties (translation, rotation and scale) for bme creation operator. this is good for "what you seen is what you gotten" and can increase user experience when add bme protorypes. please note these extra transform is applied to object after moving to cursor, not the mesh self.
- fix a weired bug that bme creation execute() may get outdated configurations when switch bme type in pop up window. the solution is simply adding an extra outdated flag checker at the head of execute(). but i have no spare time to research whether this patch is correct for this bug.